I'll be eagerly looking forward to your next missives (and clicking all those links)! This theme of language and story as both magical method and magic itself has been shaping my practices for the past few years as well, and I'm seeing it more and more in the spiritual zeitgeist. Poor Wittgenstein.

Speaking of which, I haven't actually read Philosophical Investigations - is it worth diving into the full text?

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To be honest I haven’t read it all! My boyfriend just finished it and pointed out some cool passages. I’m fascinated by Wittgenstein’s philosophy, but I don’t know that I necessarily agree with his conclusions 🤣. We did just watch the 1993 experimental film by Derek Jarman about Wittgenstein’s life, and that was very good (& highly bizarre!)

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Ha, always glad to get validation of my own intellectual magpie tendencies when it comes to not reading full philosophy texts! Might have to check out that film...

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This is definitely something that has been on my mind. I’m interested to read more when it’s ready.

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I am thrilled about what is coming. So much of what you mentioned resonated with me, albeit opaquely. I feel like I am slowly pulling together the weaves of the magic of language and stories and I feel like I finished this missive with a bit more clarity.

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